The FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions about Baby Foot® Products

The FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions about Baby Foot® Products

If you have questions regarding the Original Exfoliation Foot Peel, Moisturizing Foot Mask, or any of the other foot care products we sell to our customers, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find answers to common questions you may have about our products, including everything from how often you can use our peels to what you should do after your first treatment.

How often can you use Baby Foot® exfoliating peels?

Our foot peels can be used whenever you notice the build up of dead skin cells on your feet. In order to keep your feet baby smooth, we recommend using them every three to four months. That being said, this timeframe can vary depending on the individual.

After my first treatment, I still have dead skin. When can I use Baby Foot® again?

If you still have dead skin on your feet after the first treatment, you can do it again. We recommend you wait two weeks after your initial application before you begin another treatment.

What should I do after I finish my foot peel treatment?

Bathe as usual. Additionally, it may be helpful to soak your feet in warm water each day, however, this isn't required for the foot peel to work.

Should I wash my feet after the 1-hour soak?

Yes, after completing the one-hour treatment, remove the plastic booties and rinse your feet thoroughly with soap and water. Remember, don't apply lotion to your feet until the peeling process is complete. If your feet are too dry, you may use an oil-free moisturizer from time to time.

Can I use lotion after my foot peel treatment?

We recommend not using lotion after your foot peel treatment. Instead, if your feet become dry, apply an oil-free moisturizer.

Do I need to stay seated while I am using Baby Foot®?

As long as your feet are soaking in the gel, your foot peel should work as intended. You are permitted to walk around if needed but we recommend you staying seated for safety reasons.

When you buy a Baby Foot® peel, does it include plastic booties?

Yes. Each package includes two plastic booties that you'll use to soak your feet in our exfoliating solution.

Are Baby Foot® peels reusable?

No. Once you've used your exfoliation foot peel, it cannot be used again.

Do I need to use Baby Foot® more than once for it to work?

No, only one application is necessary, which involves a one-hour soaking time.

How long does it take for the foot peel to start working?

After you've completed the foot peel treatment, you can expect it to take 5-7 days for your feet to start peeling. Usually, it takes approximately two weeks for your feet to peel completely, although results may differ between individuals. Soaking your feet should expedite this process. After peeling has begun, it should take 7-10 days for your feet to fully peel.

Does Baby Foot® work to remove the rough skin on my heels?

Baby Foot® is widely used by people who experience dry and rough skin on their soles or old dead skin cells on their heels and toes.

Can I use Baby Foot on my hands?

Baby Foot was specifically formulated for the feet, as the skin is different than on other areas of your body. We recommend you only use Baby Foot on your feet.

Can I leave Baby Foot on for longer than one hour?

It is not necessary to leave the booties on for longer than the suggested time. The formula does not penetrate further than it is needed to. If you are pre-soaking your feet before the treatment, the formula should absorb effectively in the timeframe suggested.

Will Baby Foot affect my nail polish?

There is a possibility for the glycolic acid to dull or tarnish the polish, so it is recommended to remove your nail polish before using a treatment. It is recommended to apply polish after using the treatment. 

Can I use Baby Foot after the expiration date?

We do not recommend using after the expiration date.



  • Pre-soak your feet prior to using the treatment. Soak your feet daily after to enhance the effects of the Baby Foot treatment
  • Remove your nail polish prior to the treatment. It's recommended to apply polish after the treatment process
  • There is a possibility that Baby Foot formula could fade a foot tattoo. We recommend applying petroleum jelly to the area you wish to protect, acting as a barrier to prevent peeling. This is not a guaranteed solution.
  • Avoid using lotions or moisturizers during the peeling process. If you are experiencing dryness, we recommend an oil-free moisturizer. Using a moisturizer with oil can hinder or block the peeling completely.
  • Refrain from using foot files, razors, or any other foot care products during the 14-day treatment period
  • DO NOT force the skin to peel. Allow your skin to release itself naturally.
  • Wearing socks when the skin starts to peel with protect your feet and keep your home free from falling skin sheds
  • If you are diabetic, consult your physician before using this product