When your feet feel this good, they want to take you everywhere! Baby Foot® is the Original Foot Peel since 1997. Don't be fooled by other brands that try to imitate our quality!
What Sets Us Apart?

Baby Foot® products, from our Original Exfoliation Foot Peel to our Men’s Foot Peel and Moisturizing Foot Mask, are some of the best foot care products on the market.
Most people know us because of our foot peels, which are designed to remove the unsightly, dead skin cells on your feet that build up over time and can contribute to numerous problems associated with the soles of your feet. Dead skin cells accumulate due to pressure and friction from ordinary activities such as standing, exercising, and wearing shoes. In many cases, feet become cracked and painful from the accumulation of dead skin.
In the past, frequent use of foot files and razors were used to "remove" the dead skin on your feet. However, this was a temporary fix because as we now know from recent research, filing generates more friction to the soles of your feet which in turn creates more dead skin. No more filing with the use of our Baby Foot® peels. Baby Foot® is an unparalleled, total foot care package that provides you with the opportunity to care for and maintain your feet at home.
Baby Foot © Peel Active Ingredients
Our scientifically formulated foot peels are made from high-quality ingredients, including 16 types of natural extracts that exfoliate and moisturize at the same time. Fruit acids, such as Glycolic Acid and Citric Acid, allow the dead skin cells to peel, while the Alcohol makes the dead cells soft, and the Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid and Isopropyl stimulate a flaking effect. The fruit acid penetrates layers of dead skin cells and breaks down desmosomes, which hold the layers of dead skin together. As a result, your feet remain undamaged, while the dead skin peels away easily to reveal a fresh layer of skin. After this process is finished, your feet will feel healthy, beautiful and baby smooth.
Baby Foot® has not been tested on animals and does not contain any animal related ingredients.